Friday, January 26, 2007

Patience and comfort

Sadly, the response from the hospital both this morning and yesterday was "sorry, no beds, try again tomorrow....". The ward clerk did however say that, if a bed became available over the weekend, they would let us know. So we will wait and see what ( if anything) the weekend brings - and then see what is said on Monday.

Isn't it wonderful to rest in the love of our heavenly Father, whose timing is best and always perfect? We are by grace being kept in peace, and not being stressed by the delay. Instead we are comforted by His sovereign care - and comforted by the prayers of SO MANY brothers and sisters who seek His will and His glory on our behalf in this situation. Thank you!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Even sustained by faith, and knowing yourselves held within God's love, delays like this must still be incredibly trying.
I do hope you are allowing yourselves to get angry at the situation sometimes, though not the individuals who represent it.
Still praying, of course.