Friday, January 12, 2007

And they departed from ...and encamped in ...

If you look at Numbers 34, you will see that phrase (or similar) repeated many times. I remember hearing a brother preach on it (or something like it) several years ago - calling it ( I think) "the grey days of the christian life". By that he meant days where there seems nothing going on, nothing to report - and where it is easy to forget the unchanging faithfulness of our gracious God.

We are in such days at the moment - living as it were in limbo, between hospital appointments. We have not heard when the pumped chemo will be restarted; presumably the xray results from earlier this week have to be passed to the oncology team, and then someone needs to decide what happens next. Meanwhile there are good days and bad days, tearful days and brighter days, as the emotional/depressing side effects of last week's intravenous chemo come out.

But in it all it is good to acknowledge the faithfulness of God, and the provision of all our needs (as the hymn-writer says,"All I have needed Thy hand hath provided"), and so much more besides - including the very great blessing of dear brothers and sisters who pray for us. O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good!

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