Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cycle II begins

After a slight delay last week (for the infection), and yesterday (for the lack of a bed), I'm glad to say that Sue went in this morning and had the pre-chemo hydration during the day; and we HOPE that the chemo drip will be going through tonight.

There may however be a delay, as the Groshong line (see earlier post) seemed to be leaking a little, so they may need to do an x-ray to see if there is a problem. Leaking saline solition is not a problem; leaking chemo drug most definitely is!

However, subject to that, it seems possible that the post-chemo saline flush will go through by about lunch-time tomorrow, and then she can come home. We will though need to find out about the 24/7 pumped stuff, as nobody has mentioned that yet; it would make sense to have that re-started while she is in, but then the NHS does not always make sense!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you both and the whole situation. (Paul, Elizabeth and family)