Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A long day....

Sue went the hospital yesterday for the first of the weekly visits to have the pump reservoir-bag refilled.

In our lack of knowledge/innocence, we thought that it might take perhaps half an hour, or (allowing for busy clinics) perhaps an hour. Not quite.....

In fact what happens is that blood samples are taken first (after a little wait); then the samples have to be taken for testing, and the results reported to the clinic doctor; then the doctor has to prescribe the chemo dosage based on the blood-test results; then the lab have to make up the chemo prescription accordingly. This all takes time - so she got to the hospital just before 10am, and did not get away until just after 5pm. Many hours in a waiting -room chair did not do her back any good - and the car-park fees all added up!

Still, we will know for next time, as we will be going back in 10 days time for the same procedure.

We have seen notices about the loan of "pagers" so that they can contact us when the chemo is ready. However, whether the technology is sufficient to allow us to come home and wait, rather than just waiting elsewhere in the hospital, is something we will have to look into.

We live and learn!

Meanwhile, thank you to all readers who are praying for us. Physically Sue is still not too bad, in terms of side-effects; but there are emotional/psychological side-effects (tears and fears). Pray on!

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