Friday, December 29, 2006

Home again

Last night we were not sure what would happen - but we expected Sue to stay in until the antibiotics had done their stuff, and then she would have the chemo. Needless to say, the hospital had other ideas!

Instead, I am pleased to say that the medical staff have decided to give her a few days break from the chemo, while the antibiotics run their course; so she is home for the weekend (including New Years Day). Then (subject as always to bed availability) she will go back on Tuesday 2nd January 2007 for one or more nights, and hopefully all three of the chemo drugs will be restarted (subject as always to blood test results!).

It's a blessing to have her home again, but the whole process has a depressing emotional and psychological effect - not helped by the chemo-induced hair loss, which is getting worse now. Nevertheless, we trust in the Lord for daily mercy and daily strength.

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