Saturday, December 23, 2006

How is she?

In the nature of the treatment, there will inevitably be days where nothing much is happening - but some people still want to know how Sue is doing, and how to pray.....

With thankfulness to God for His continued faithfulness, it is good to say that she is not too bad in some ways, but not too good in others. At the moment, she is comfortable in bed; but she finds it quite an effort to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom, or downstairs. She is sleeping quite well, which is a blessing; but she has had quite a bit of pain in the last few days, as a result of which we have been to one doctor, the district nurses have been twice, and another doctor has come here. The latter doctor has also upped her pain killers.

The next hospital visit is on the 29th, to have the reservoir bag changed (we will try and learn from the last visit, and try and get a pager so that they can call us in when it is ready!), and then she will go for another overnight stay on 3rd January when the intravenous drip chemo is due - bed availability permitting.

She is very tired most of the time, which is why she spends a lot of time in bed; and the weariness means that she cannot concentrate for long. As a result, reading is increasingly difficult, and cross-stitch is out of the question - while television holds little interest. Sometimes she can listen to a sermon on CD; and we are reading a portion from the gospel of John in the evenings.

And today there were the first indications of hair-loss....

We trust in a sovereign God, Who is always a loving and all-knowing Father, and Who will in this situation (as always) work all things according to the counsel of His own will. He is able to heal physically/emotionally/psychologically, of course - but these are the things of time and sense. It is for the spiritual comfort, the assurance of sins forgiven with new life in Christ and a hope of glory, evidenced by a quiet testimony to the grace and mercy of God and that "peace that passes all understanding", that we seek the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We are in His hands - and where better place to be?

1 comment:

Jonathan Hunt said...

Happy Christmas, dear friends.