Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Slower than we thought

That's the progress of the cancer, not the good old NHS! True, we did have to wait quite a while; but that's because there are so many very ill people to be seen. The Oncology clinics are are always busy, lasting many hours, and it is a tribute to the dedication of the doctors and staff that they keep going as they do.

We went and saw the consultant this morning (well, afternoon actually!). He told us that the CT scan results (the ones Sue has been having every three months) showed no measurable deterioration, which was good. In addition, the ultrasound scan she had last week showed that there were no blockages (another matter they were concerned about); so that was good too. HOWEVER, the liver results (not quite sure how or when that was measured) show that there is still something not right - but to what extent they have not been able to measure as yet. The cancer is therefore still "on the move", but slowly.

He therefore proposed a course of steroids from today (I have to go back to the hospital later to collect them), and a blood transfusion next week; then go back and see him in a couple of weeks, hopefully feeling much better, for further thoughts on the way forward.

As Sue said (quoting Joseph Hart, the hymnwriter) "How good is the God we adore, our faithful unchangeable friend....we'll praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that's to come"

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