Thursday, October 25, 2007

A bit brighter....

After a fairly traumatic weekend, we went to the hospital on Tuesday – and waited…..

The clinic was running about 3 hours late, so including time waiting to be called, waiting for the doctor after being called, time with him, then going to the pharmacy and waiting there – it was a long day. I think we got to the hospital about 10:30 am, and it was nearly 3pm when we left. Still, it is a blessing to have the facilities quite close; as I have said before, there is no complaining in the waiting room, everybody knows they will have a long wait – and many have much further to travel than we do.

We didn’t see either the consultant nor one of the registrars, but a junior doctor (whom we have seen before). He asked lots of questions about various symptoms, felt her stomach and listened to her lungs, and then adjusted the medication by increasing the pain killers, extending the steroid course, and also giving Sue some mouthwash to help with her mouth and throat which (possibly as a result of the steroids) are (in his words) "Ooh, that IS sore!".

Sine then Sue has been a little brighter – even a smile when I got home last night, whereas last week I was more likely to be greeted with tears. She seems not quite so downcast, and her appetite is a little better. Suffice to say that for the last two mornings she has called me out of the study to ask for breakfast quite early - 5:30 yesterday and 5:45 today!

It is a real blessing to be able to spend time together reading His word, listening to sermons from a good friend in America, and in prayer. Truly the Lord continues to be gracious to us as a family, in supporting us, granting us His peace, and enabling us to trust Him who loves us so incredibly.As the Apostle says "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by Whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."It is indeed all of grace!

PS She has not been so good today - in fact not with it at all, and mostly asleep. However, that is probably due to the fact that while I was out doing the shopping early this morning, she thought she would "help" by getting her tablets out. They are in one of those compartment boxes, one "pot" for the morning and the other "pot" for the evening. When I got home she confessed to "having got in a muddle"; and I found that she had taken both lots (including a sleeping tablet) together........!

1 comment:

Clare said...

Hello to all of you.
I have been thinking of you all alot recently and wanted to say your never far away in my thoughts and I have been praying for you.
I can quite understand the side effects of steroids , but there plus points far outweigh theie negetive side effects.
Pain can really bring you down mentally and can spiritually bring you to a low, keep reading that book I gave you Sue as drawing close to God at times like these is a real blessing and will stregthen you..
Love to you all
Clare xx