Friday, March 23, 2007

This week

This week we had the ordinary visit to the outpatients clinic, which nearly went better than ever.....

After getting there about 9:30am, Sue had the blood-test and dressing change and (after a while) saw the doctor, and we were out by around 11am; not bad. I took her home and left for work - only to get a call half-way to say the pager had gone off (meaning the chemo was ready). This was much earlier than usual! So we got back to the hospital about 12:15 ..................and then had to sit and wait until just after 2pm. Perhaps it was somebody's lunch-time?

The Macmillan nurse has also been in this week, which is good. She comes very two weeks or so, just to see how we are doing, and to offer any suggestions and advice that she can. Sometimes the ideas are readily acceptable, others take a bit of getting used to - and to some we have to say "not ready for that quite yet!"

In herself, Sue is still having good days and bad days; sometimes there is pain, often there is a degree of depression, frequently there is a lack of appetite, and always there is weakness. In part we think this is the after-effects of the last batch of intra-venous chemo; she seems a little brighter now at the end of the week than she did at the start of the week. Still, we are grateful to the Lord for daily mercies and daily grace.

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