Wednesday, March 07, 2007

An interesting day

Generally speaking, Sue is not too bad, apart from being tired and weak/wobbly - although the last few days she has had a fair bit of pain for some reason in the evenings.

I could just report that Sue went in yesterday for the normal outpatients clinic visit; that she saw the doctor, and had the normal blood tests, which were ok; that she then went home for a couple of hours before being "bleeped" to go back in to have the chemo sac on the pump renewed; and also to get a different mix of mouthwashes for her sore mouth.


That would leave out the fact that, in the gracious providence of God, the garage managed to fit a new clutch unit to J's car (dropped off only on Saturday as an emergency) by yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon. Initially they said next weekend - then "possibly Thursday".

That was important because she had taken Sue's car to uni on Sunday afternoon, and rang in the evening to say the water "warning light" was coming on. Although topped up, it was still glowing on Monday night (after driving to and from work); and although the tank was refilled on Tuesday morning before she left, it was virtually empty when she got to the hospital at which she was working. She was getting very nervous about driving it home....

So (as any husband and father would do) the day actually included not only two visits to the outpatients clinic at the local hospital, but a visit (to swap cars) to another hospital 100 miles away, then a wait for one mechanic to diagnose the problem (a corroded cooling pipe has sprung a hole or two,as a starting point), then another wait before a trip back in a recovery vehicle late at night to the garage - before a kind brother-in-law drove me home.

But the journey down was lovely and sunny, and the Lord was peculiarly close, so it was good to take time to praise Him for all His goodness and mercy and grace and love. Not by coincidence, another blog I read had the following quote for yesterday -
“When you take time to travel with reverence, a richer life unfolds before you.” - and that was certainly true for me.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I'm so glad the quote was real for you.
Still praying, of course.