Friday, July 13, 2007

Now we are wireless!

Just a quick update to confirm that Sue had her Groshong (chest-wall) line taken out yesterday.

We were only in the hospital for an hour or so, and the procedure was quite quick and relatively painless - thanks to lots of local anaesthetic. The doctor who carried it out did some of his training at the hospital where Sue works, so that made things a bit easier; and he said he would do his best stitching! We will need to change the dressing over the weekend, and then the district nurses will come in next week to take the stitches out.

Another step forward on the road back to normality - PRAISE THE LORD!

As regards family matters, Sue hopes to be well enough to go to Manchester for Hannah's graduation on Monday; and Jess heard this week that she has passed her first year exams, so that is a blessing too. We will go up to Manchester on Sunday night, as the ceremony starts quite early on Monday; but we can't leave very early as I am preaching on Sunday evening in a local church. The first time since last September.....

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