Saturday, February 03, 2007

How are you?

With many people asking how Sue is doing, I thought an update might be appropriate.

She had the chemo last week, as you know, and that went very well. However, the days following chemo usually bring a few "down days", when the days seem dark and the Lord seems far away - and when a lack of assurance is a powerful and subtle tool in the hands of the enemy of our souls. Please pray that the Lord would draw close to Sue in tender mercy, and "bless her, keep her, make His face shine upon her and be gracious unto her, lift up His countenance upon her, and give her peace" (Numbers 6:24-26).

The other matter for prayer is that on Tuesday (6th)we are not only due to go to the hospital for the outpatients "pump top-up" visit, but she is booked for another CT scan, when they will take pictures of the cancers and compare them to the pictures taken in November when the diagnosis was first made. The results last time took about a week; but the outcome is (as always) in the hands of (and already known to, and controlled by) our loving Heavenly Father.

Isn't the sovereignty of God a wonderfully comforting truth?

May the Lord richly bless you as you pray for us; and may His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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